When it comes to hiring a professional cleaner, having a clear and detailed agreement can save both parties a lot of headaches in the long run. A cleaner agreement is a written contract that outlines the terms and conditions of the cleaning service being provided. Below we will go through key points to consider when creating a cleaner agreement.

Scope of Work

The agreement should clearly define the scope of work, outlining what is included in the cleaning service. This can include which rooms are being cleaned, specific tasks to be completed, and any equipment or cleaning supplies that the cleaner will provide.

Frequency of Service

It`s important to clearly define how often the cleaner will provide their services. This can include the frequency of visits (e.g. weekly, bi-weekly, monthly) as well as the specific days and times of each visit.

Pricing and Payment Terms

The agreement should outline the pricing and payment terms. This includes how much the cleaner will charge for their services, when payments are due, and what payment methods are accepted.

Cancellation Policy

A cancellation policy should be included in the agreement, outlining what happens if either party needs to cancel or reschedule a cleaning appointment. This can include how much notice is required, whether there are any cancellation fees, and how to reschedule.

Liability and Insurance

The cleaner agreement should clearly define liability and insurance terms. This includes who is responsible for any damages or injuries that occur during the cleaning service, and whether the cleaner has liability insurance to cover any accidents or damages that may occur.

Confidentiality and Privacy

It`s important to outline the confidentiality and privacy terms in the agreement. This can include what information the cleaner is allowed to share, how they will handle personal information, and whether they will sign a confidentiality agreement.


Having a detailed cleaner agreement in place can prevent misunderstandings and disputes. By outlining the scope of work, frequency of service, pricing and payment terms, cancellation policies, liability and insurance terms, and confidentiality and privacy policies, both parties can feel confident in the services being provided.