If you`re a pharmacist or a patient who`s been prescribed multiple medications, you may have heard of the MedsCheck program. MedsCheck is a service that allows pharmacists to conduct a one-on-one medication review with patients to ensure that they`re taking their medications correctly and to identify any potential drug-related problems.

To participate in a MedsCheck review, patients must sign a MedsCheck agreement form. This form outlines the terms of the program and the patient`s obligations. Here are some key points to keep in mind when completing a MedsCheck agreement form:

1. The purpose of the MedsCheck review is to optimize the patient`s medication therapy. The pharmacist will review all of the patient`s medication prescriptions, over-the-counter medications, and natural health products to ensure that they`re safe and effective.

2. The MedsCheck review is confidential. Only the patient, the pharmacist, and any necessary healthcare providers will have access to the information discussed during the review.

3. The patient must be present for the MedsCheck review. They should bring all of their medications, as well as a list of any allergies, medical conditions, or other relevant information.

4. The patient is expected to answer all questions truthfully and to the best of their ability.

5. The patient should inform the pharmacist if they experience any adverse effects from their medications, as well as any changes in their health status or medication regimen.

6. The patient should follow the medication plan developed by the pharmacist during the MedsCheck review.

7. The patient can choose to opt out of the program at any time.

By signing the MedsCheck agreement form, patients are taking an active role in their healthcare and ensuring that they`re receiving the best possible medication therapy. If you`re a pharmacist, be sure to explain the purpose and expectations of the program to your patients before having them sign the agreement form. If you`re a patient, don`t hesitate to ask your pharmacist any questions you may have about the MedsCheck program or the agreement form.